The Inner Voice…

The silence in me talks constantly….
The silence in me is blessed indeed…
All it asks is that I listen to it…
A soft, sibilant voice insists that I heed…
Listen and it will answer my call,
Listen and my problems, it will resolve,
Listen and it will lighten the burden.
Listen and the false path, in mist, will dissolve.
Just listen and it will bring gladness to my heart.
Listen and it will sooth all yearnings,
Listen and it will polish my rough edges,
Listen and it will quench my eternal thirsting…
Heed the music in your soul,
Heed the voice in your most primitive part,
It’s never late to do away with discordant notes
It’s never late to make a fresh start!
Listen deeply and discover you will,
The notes and sounds of your own voice.
The light that burns closest to the hearth,
Was always you – only in disguise.
Listen to it and strengthen your voice,
Search for the true God in your disguise,
Live the voice you were meant to have,
Make it your will, make it your prize!

The Beast In Me…


The beast in me
Wakes each monsoon,
Rises to the surface,
Wants to be free.

Clamours in my soul,
It paws my skin,
Ripping it to pieces,
Stalks out and roars.

Round the year,
I rein it in,
But with the first shower,
It claims me.

Bestial nature,
Reduced to primitive promptings,
The veneer of civilization,
The conditioning runs thin.

Rages with the storms,
Dances naked in the torrents,
Dazzles like the lightening,
Elemental it is.

The beast in me,
Hungers and lusts,
A raw, earthy mating,
Craves physical touch.

The beast in me,
One with the universe,
Transcends the material barrier,
Beyond the veil it goes.

Dripping in sensuality,
Marked with wonder,
Unravelling mysteries,
Of the dark, human nature.

And when the rains are done,
It goes back to slumber,
Its experiences and discoveries,
Soaked in cells and soul.

Every monsoon,
An incremental awakening,
On the physical and spiritual planes,
The gift of the beast in me!